Greg's favorite story...

Thank you, Greg Lecker, for your generous sharing....

"My favorite story from Mary R. Pettis since I first heard her tell it Nov 2, 2013 at #366 Northrup King Building, when I first met the artist who would become an important influence in my development as an artist and as a person. As Mary described the background behind the artwork, we listeners stood in front of the painting - which is spectacular in its color. What appears, from a distance to be his pale blue gray garments, is up close a myriad of hues and brushstrokes. Simple electronics can not convey what one sees in life. What a way to remember a life of art in 2016 and look forward to 2017!" ~Greg Lecker

"The Poet"
36x24" oil on linen
©Mary Pettis

I first saw him as he bent over to catch a cricket. I didn't need to understand Chinese to know when he winked and smiled that he had a treat in store for us if we followed him up a winding path through the little village. We were exploring with our cameras anyway, so we followed.

The painting was done in my head as he uncovered his little bird cage and proudly showed us his little friend!


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